Friday, March 14, 2014

My husband was born in Palm Beach. That’s actually the first thing he said to me when we met. I think he was probably trying to impress me since Palm Beach could easily be pegged the ‘’Malibu of the East’’. He then told me how he had grown up playing with Legos (the popular building game) and how he wanted to be in the construction business (that first part probably won me over).

He studied civil engineering and worked in an architect’s firm as an intern so he knew a lot about the ins and outs of project development, commercial buildings, and home remodeling. Business was scarce in Palm Beach and in the whole country for that matter after the housing bubble burst following the financial collapse of 2008. His business suffered so much through those turbulent times which really seem like yesterday. We barely got by at the time but as he liked to say in full contractor slang I was his building rock or foundation and he tagged the housing bubble fallout as a stepping stone to better things. He may have been right since now business is starting to pick up again. Unemployment is going down, wages are going up which translates into higher purchasing power for people in the middle and higher class that happen to be go-to market in places like Palm Beach.

I loved his newfound success and I also enjoyed looking at him very proud of his hard work and our resilience through the difficult times. Whenever he asks me how we did it I just say: ‘’the priest did say through thick and thin dear’’. I get him every time I say that. We are renting for the time being but if the current trend of growth in the housing and commercial building markets continues and business continues to thrive, we may just start a little home developing project of our own, in Palm Beach of course.


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